About Us

We are dedicated to serving the fire and rescue needs of Deer Isle area communities. We strive to safeguard the lives and property of the citizens of this island through proactive training, preparation, and a solid commitment to standards of excellence. The department is built on the dedication of its members and their willingness to volunteer countless hours to fire and rescue services and training.

Fire Station Concept

Information regarding our need and plan for a new fire station can be found at: https://deerislefire.org/station.html

Active Member Roster

F1Brent Morey Chief
F3John Weed Firefighter
F4Jim Foley Assistant Chief
F10Carl ShahanFirefighter
F11Ronnie Billings Firefighter
F13Russell Bray Assistant Chief
F15Steve RittmeyerFirefighter
F21Seth ReeceFirefighter
F43Jesse Larrabee Captain
S50Dave PertDispatcher
F55Rick Weed Firefighter
F62Ethan ShephardFirefighter
F66Ellie LarrabeeFirefighter
F70Rylee EatonFirefighter
F71Tim CobbFirefighter
F72Travis EatonFirefighter
F73Chris HoveyFirefighter
F74CJ HoveyFirefighter
F75Chris ShahanFirefighter
F77Mallary ReeceFirefighter
F78Broc EatonFirefighter
F79Evan RainenFirefighter
F80Callie ShahanJr. Firefighter
F81Coleman BrownFirefighter


Volunteer Firefighter - noun

vol-un-te-ah fi-ah fi-tah
vä-lən-ˈtir ˈfī(-ə)r fī-tər

  1. An individual of questionable mental status, willing to put themself into harms way to save another’s life or property, without payment, reward or recognition.
  2. One who voluntarily runs into burning buildings instead of out of them, wearing an extra 75 pounds of equipment.
  3. The unseen person managing a complex system of levers and gauges to control life-saving water from a 500 horsepower pump at a rate of 1250 gallons per minute.
  4. The person directing traffic at the scene of a car accident in the middle of the night, on the eve of a holiday, in a blinding snow storm, and has to go to work in the morning.
  5. Parents, children, spouses, siblings, neighbors, friends who have missed meals, birthdays, holidays, special events, and countless hours of sleep while donating their time to help someone in need.

We are actively searching for new members to join our team.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, please contact one of the department members, stop in at one of the weekly meetings, or email us at info@deerislefire.org.

Support DIFD

Throughout history, firefighters are known for taking great pride in the equipment and apparatus in their care. Members of the Deer Isle Fire Department are no exception. They are resourceful and innovative, maintaining equipment to the highest standard; to be in the best condition possible; to be ready for service when called upon. It must. Our lives and the lives and property of our community members might depend on it.

On occasion, however, despite our best efforts, some equipment wears out, or is surpassed by newer technology. It is during these times that we turn to our community for support. It is by your generosity that we are able to afford new equipment. Specialized equipment. Equipment that will save lives. Equipment such as light-weight air packs for firefighters to reduce fatigue, new extrication tools “Jaws of Life” that are quicker to deploy when every second counts, and thermal imaging cameras to find hidden dangers and hot spots.

If you wish to contribute to this great cause, please contact us.

The members of the Deer Isle Fire Department thank you for your donation, and for supporting the work that we do.

The Deer Isle Fireman's Association is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Burn Permits

A burning permit may be obtained from the town Forest Fire Warden: Brent Morey at 348-6133, or one of the Deputy Town Fire Wardens: Georgia Morey, 348-6133; John Weed, 348-6092; Russell Bray, 348-6619.

Permits are ONLY issued on class 1 and 2 days. Follow this link for class status and definitions.

Open burning by any person requires a permit 365 days a year. This includes the following: logs, stumps, roots, brush, slash, fields of dry grass, debris, pasture and blueberry land. Open burning of any kind must not be allowed to cause nuisance conditions. If nuisance conditions occur, department policy is to revoke the permit. Rules for open burning can be found here.

To encourage winter time burning when there is snow on the ground, we are willing to give out permits for extended periods of time. We discourage piling brush and stumps into large piles. Fires must be attended at all times and these types of piles will burn for days. Make smaller piles! They are easier to burn and control. All piles larger than ten feet square and ten feet high will be inspected before a permit is issued. Fires burn deep and can burn underground for long distances before popping up to the surface. We all need to use caution.

Violation of the open burning law is a Class E crime, which may result in a fine or period not exceeding six months in jail. In addition, people should remember that they could be liable for up to $2000 in fire suppression costs as well as any civil damages that might result.


The best way to protect yourself and your family from a devistating fire, is to observe and practice fire prevention. You've likley heard Benjamin Franklin's quote: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". When applied to fire safety, that ounce of prevention could save a life.

More information about key fire prevention topics can be found in the links on this page.

Additional prevention tips:

Driveway Size

In this picturesque coastal town, we enjoy beautiful scenery and landscapes with natural privacy created by trees and shrubs.

Accessibility of a structure or scene plays a critical role in emergency situations. Tight corners, snow covered limbs, and overgrown branches are contributing factors.

You can help eliminate this barrier and reduce potential delays by maintaining driveways to be at least fifteen (15) feet wide by fifteen (15) feet tall. This will help ensure our equipment will be able to reach your scene quickly and swiftly during an emergency.

If there is ever any question regarding these recommendations, or fire prevention in general, please contact a member of the fire department.

Chimney Maintenance

Many island homes have a wood stove, pellet stove or fireplace installed to help residents keep warm during crisp fall days and through the harsh winter season. Proper chimney maintenance and routine inspection are among the most effective fire prevention steps that homeowners can take.

Below are a few recommendations from the US Fire Administration:

Smoke Detectors Save Lives

It is a good idea to change the batteries in your smoke detector when you set your clocks. One of the best ways to protect yourself and your family is to have a working smoke alarm that can sound fast for both a fire that has flames, and a smoky fire that has fumes without flames. It is called a "Dual Sensor Smoke Alarm." Place a smoke alarm on the ceiling of every level of your home and both inside and outside bedrooms. Children and older people can sleep though the loud sound of a smoke alarm. Make sure your escape plan includes someone that can help children and others wake up immediately to escape from the home. If you keep your bedroom doors closed, place a smoke alarm on the ceiling of each bedroom. Check smoke alarms monthly by pressing the test button. Never take smoke alarm batteries out to put into other items like games or remote controls. Teach children what the smoke alarm sounds like and what to do when they hear the alarm sound. If there is a fire, leave the home right away by crawling low under the smoke and never go back inside. Replace smoke detectors every 10 years, or as advised by the manufacturer.

Please use the following links to learn more about smoke detectors and smoke alarm safety.

Family Escape Plan

It is important to make sure that the entire family is prepared and informed in the event of a disaster or emergency. Escape plans can help you get out of your home quickly. Take the time to create a plan. Include alternate routes for escape.

Review and practice this plan with your family frequently. Be sure that every familiy member knows their role in the event of an emergency.

Use the following links to find aditional information and resources that can help your family create an escape plan.